Employee Benefits

Law Firm



Large law firm with 125 employees on the medical plan was tired of the health plan costs merry-go-round. Healthcare is the 2nd or 3rd highest expense for the firm and had been increasing at a higher rate than any other line item on the P&L statement. The partners determined that their approach was not sustainable and had to change. The merry-go-round: every year they knew it was coming…the rate increase hits and is more than expected…Now what? Employer absorbs the increase, shifts some to employees, changes deductible & copays, changes carriers…picks the lesser of all evils. Communication to employees: “We did the best we could….” File materials in drawer and hold breath until next year. They knew what would happen next year unless they changed the paradigm.


They decided to change their strategy to run their health plan like their business and developed a strategy that actually improved benefits and lowered costs. They believed that re-structuring the plans so that employees spent their healthcare dollars like their own dollars, they could change the cycle. It worked…was a win-win.


From 2013-2024, costs have increased only 2.1% per year... a $5.4 million savings vs median medical trends. The actuarial value of the benefit plans has not changed in 10 years...no reduction in benefits. An employee contributed $29.92 per month for single coverage in 2014. In 2024, that number is $32.48 per month, and there is even an option for $13.24 per month...SUCCESS!

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